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Supported Signature algorithms for MPC keys

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data class DerivationParams(val coinType: Int, val account: Int, val change: Int = 0, val index: Int = 0)
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Implement this in order to handle and manage your own raw keys on your key storage

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data class FullKey(var keyId: String? = null, val privateKey: String? = null, val publicKey: String? = null, var algorithm: Algorithm? = null, var error: FireblocksError? = null)
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data class KeyBackup(var keyId: String? = null, var keyBackupStatus: KeyBackupStatus? = null)

Information about the generated MPC keys

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data class KeyData(val data: String? = null, var error: FireblocksError? = null)


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data class KeyDescriptor(var keyId: String? = null, var algorithm: Algorithm? = null, var keyStatus: KeyStatus? = null)

Information about the generated MPC keys containing key id String, Algorithm and KeyStatus for each key

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data class KeyRecovery(var keyId: String? = null, var algorithm: Algorithm? = null, var keyRecoveryStatus: KeyRecoveryStatus? = null)

Information about the recover MPC keys

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data class KeyTakeover(var keyId: String? = null, var algorithm: Algorithm? = null, var keyTakeoverStatus: KeyTakeoverStatus? = null)

Information about the recover MPC keys

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The status of the Key Takeover